Group Head of Behavioural Risk, NatWest Group

Alexandra Chesterfield has over 15 year’s experience establishing and leading Behavioral Science teams to drive better outcomes in both regulatory and commercial contexts.

Currently, she leads the Behavioral Risk team at NatWest Group, where her team’s innovative work in transforming Internal Audit has been featured in Forbes (Eccles, 2022). She was hired as the first consumer psychologist at the UK financial regulator, the FCA. Alex holds an MSc in Cognitive and Decision Science from UCL and is a part-time PhD candidate at the London School of Economics.

Her research integrates psychological science with advances in AI and digital data to understand institutional failure. Alex is co-author of the best-selling Poles Apart, published by Penguin Random House in 2021.




My Sessions

Innovations and Applications of Behavioral Science in GRC Programs

Wednesday 11th December 2024, 11:00 - 11:45 EST