The last 18 months have caused many organisations to re-examine their data security processes and policies. Cloud services are now likely to form a critical part of your operations, with many CISO’s looking out for the next Solar Winds or Log4J that has the potential to compromise their data. Our annual data risk report and latest research carried out by Forrester, unearthed some shocking truths about the state of SaaS data protection in Europe.
On-Demand Webinar Summary
Join Nigel Tozer, Technologist, speaker & digital marketing specialist, Metarista, Bernard Swierczyna, Chief Information Security Officer, First Ireland Risk Management, Edward Ponte, Security and Governance Team Lead, OwnBackup and Brian Olearczyk, Former Chief Revenue Officer, RevCult as they discuss how organisations should be approaching SaaS data security and protection, including:
From ransomware attacks to data breaches, cybersecurity and data security continue to make headline news. So what’s the next “New Normal” look like for security leaders?
What are today’s strategies for bridging the needs of information security with business innovation - especially where they intersect with Salesforce, Microsoft Dynamics, and other cloud platforms?
What’s on the horizon for security leaders, such as fostering a culture of compliance, and planning ahead for audits, certifications, security remediation and more?