By GRC World Forums2021-10-14T17:00:00
Consumers around the world are demanding more protection for their personal information. Data breaches are daily occurrences, and the scope of privacy has widened to include how your organization limits the risk of improper use or exposure of personal data.
While the demand to remove data once its purpose is fulfilled has been part of GDPR from the beginning, pressure is mounting due to new retention period disclosure rules in the recently adopted CPRA.
Not having the discipline and resources to fully implement retention requirements can have costly consequences, like in the recent fine imposed on the Mutual Insurance Group company- SGAM AG2R LA MONDIAL by the French regulator, the CNIL. The GDPR’s core principles are clear and are generally also echoed in privacy laws of jurisdictions outside the EU.
In this webcast, we will help you understand how the data retention requirements in privacy regulations differ from past obligations and use technology to establish synergies (relationships, applications, processes) around contextual data uses requested for litigation, audits and investigations forming the foundation for defensible legal and regulatory compliance decisions.
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