We are sharing data more than ever before and while it has simplified day-to-day business, it has also increased considerations for organizations across the globe. Countries are passing regulations with comprehensive privacy requirements and within the next two years, 53% of countries will have GDPR-like regulations.
On-Demand Webinar Summary
With increasing complexities and changes in the regulatory landscape, organizations must ensure privacy remains central to their business. This means educating and empowering employees to make privacy compliant decisions, driving policy awareness and automating these policies to improve productivity and reduce costs. Learn how Microsoft is now helping organizations keep privacy top of mind with privacy management.
Key Takeaways:
1. Sharing data simplifies day-to-day business, but also requires organizations to consider how to effectively protect their privacy.
2. The privacy landscape will continue to evolve and with it, privacy regulations across the globe.
3. Privacy management can empower organizations to keep privacy top of mind.