Head of Information Security, Compliance and Data Privacy, RapidAPI

Experienced in the implementation of Compliance functions for a number of Engineering led companies at both the pre and post IPO stages. The compliance programs focused on meeting the “intent” of regulatory/statutory or company policy obligations and deliver Trust through transparency for Management, Regulators, and Customers.

By focusing on regulatory/statutory “intent” enables the development and implementation of an effective compliance program that aligns with the organizational cultures and values of Engineering led companies.

Defining compliance functions in this manner facilitates extensive cross-functional engagement with the Engineering, Product Development, Security, Marketing, and Sales teams.

Also, it provides a strong foundation to discuss compliance and drive transparency with Management, Regulators, and both Public and Enterprise Customers. 


My Sessions

Moving Beyond Risk Resiliency to Risk Agility

February 17th, 15:30 - 17:00 GMT + On-Demand



The GRC Red Flag Series