All Security Breaches and Attacks articles – Page 5
Russia hits back over US accusations of cyberattack potential
Moscow has refuted US claims that Russia may be readying itself to unleash a major cyberattack campaign in response to sanctions imposed by Western allies, stating that Russia does not engage in bandit behaviour.
Cyberattack increase risks overwhelming workloads, security experts say
Rising instances of cyberattack are causing spiralling risk to digital infrastructures and remote workers.
Russia takes action in response to mounting cyberattack pressure
The Russian government is suffering under an on-going hacking campaign of unprecedented proportions, says Russia’s news agency, the TASS.
Executive Summary: ICS/OT Cybersecurity Year In Review 2021
Get what you need to know quickly to protect your critical assets by reading the Executive Summary of the 2021 ICS/OT Year in Review.
Israeli official websites targeted by cyberattack, government says
The Israeli government has said that its websites have been targeted by online hackers.
Cyberattack hits Russia’s Rosneft oil group in Germany
The German unit of Russian oil company Rosneft has said it has come under cyberattack, Germany’s Die Welt newspaper has reported.
EU member states call for emergency cybersecurity fund to help Ukraine
The European Commission has been asked to create an emergency response fund to help address critical cybersecurity issues faced by Ukraine.
Cyberattacks intensify on Ukrainian websites
A Kyiv-based cyber agency has described how Ukrainian websites have come under relentless cyberattack from Russian hackers since Vladimir Putin began the invasion of Ukraine at the end of last month.
Cyber insurance premiums likely to increase as Russia continues to wage war
Business leaders are being warned to expect higher cyber insurance premiums and greater restrictions on underwriting owing to the ongoing war in Ukraine.
Exploration of cyber insurance claims comes through new treatise
As the cyber insurance landscape continues to evolve rapidly, a new treatise is giving experts fresh analysis and legal advice to help organisations bolster their defences against online threats.
US warns allies following discovery of new Chinese cyber-threat
Cybersecurity specialists at Symantec have identified a sophisticated hacking tool coming out of China that has remained active, yet undetected, for over ten years.
Russia sanctions put US banks on high alert for cyberattack
Banks in the US are bracing themselves against a potential wave of cyberattacks as the West intensifies sanctions leveraged against Russia following of its invasion of Ukraine, cyber experts say.
British businesses warned of increased cyber warfare risk as Russian tanks roll into Ukraine
Following the escalation in the conflict in western Ukraine, the Russian government and their proxies are using numerous new methods to attack.
APAC region builds IT resilience with new cybersecurity hub
The Asia Pacific (APAC) region is being aided in its bid to combat the ever-growing cyberattack threat through the installation of a new multi-million-dollar IT infrastructure.
Cyberstrikes on Ukraine increase as Russia invades
Malicious software has been found hitting computers and IT systems in Ukraine, in a wave of hacks that experts say is likely to originate from Russia.
New report to offer cybersecurity solutions guidance to global businesses
A new report series released by global tech research and advisory firm, Information Services Group (ISG), is to examine the many cybersecurity products and services available to enterprises in multiple global regions.
Manufacturing sector and supply chains feel cyberattack heat through 2021
Manufacturing emerged as the most targeted sector when it came to cyberattacks through 2021, while ransomware and vulnerability exploitations combined to “imprison” businesses, heavily burdening global supply chains.
Cybersecurity chief obstacle to cloud modernisation, IT leaders say
Despite reliance on cloud technology to modernise operations, many companies are delaying the shift due to concerns over cybersecurity.
Cyber Resilience and the Importance of Continued Planning
PrivSec Global will look at how continuous planning is a key facet of cyber resilience.
How to Prevent Misdirected Emails: The Dreaded “Reply-All”, Cc and Wrong Recipient Errors
PrivSec Global will consider the technical and organisational solutions to the problem of misdirected emails to help protect personal data from unauthorised access.