The Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA)’s latest Risk in Focus 2023 report, headed “Navigating the perfect storm of high-impact interlocking risks”, identifies the following top risks to organisations: 

  • Cybersecurity and data security
  • Human capital, diversity, and talent management
  • Macroeconomic and geopolitical uncertainty 
  • Changes in laws and regulations
  • Digital disruption, new technology and AI
  • Climate change and environmental sustainability
  • Business continuity, crisis management and disasters response
  • Supply chain, outsourcing and ‘nth’ party risk
  • Organisational governance and corporate reporting
  • Organisational culture
  • Fraud, bribery, and the criminal exploitation of disrup

All these topics are on the agenda at #RISK at the ExCel, London on 16 & 17 November, with over 200 speakers and subject matter experts.


Don’t miss Oliver Bullough, Journalist and Author, delivering his keynote talk, ‘How Britain Became the Servant of Tycoons, Tax Dodgers, Kleptocrats and Criminals’.  

A recent Forrester report, Predictions 2023, predicted that “In 2023, indecision reigns supreme, volatility shows no signs of abating, and leaders in technology, customer experience, and marketing are establishing priorities on shaky ground.”

Hear from Max Schrems, Activist and Author, known for his campaigns against Facebook for privacy violations. Unwrap your complimentary pass.

And the latest S&P Global Market Intelligence Report stated that:

“Interconnected geopolitical challenges will continue to dominate the agenda in 2023”

Politician, diplomat and academic Rory Stewart will be addressing this at #RISK in his keynote presentation.

The Forrester report went on to say, “Trust will be at the forefront of 2023. Customers are increasingly weary of organisations playing fast and loose with their personal data. Regulators aren’t far behind, and crackdowns on privacy violations will become more common. And it won’t stop there — greenwashing, misinformation, and employee surveillance will be scrutinised, fuelled by fed-up consumers and employees.”

Keynote: “Aligning the ‘Scattered Silos of Risk’”, Michael Rasmussen, GRC Analyst, Pundit and the “Father of GRC”