Latest Privacy and Technology Breaches and Vulnerabilities – Page 8

  • software

    The 7 elements of GDPR software security compliance


    By now, you’re probably aware that the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is coming. Taking effect on May 25, 2018, GDPR aims to unify the European Union (EU) on common data protection practices. Bringing more control and higher standards, this regulation will affect how firms gather, store, and use data pertaining to EU residents.

  • Online settings screen

    The impact of GDPR on the technology sector


    According to report by, the majority of UK companies are still unaware of their responsibilities when it comes to the protection of personal identifiable information under GDPR and the technology sector is no different.

  • Chain weak point

    Don’t let your cache be your GDPR weak point


    Every system has its weak point. Remember when Luke Skywalker bulls-eyed a small thermal exhaust port with proton torpedos, causing a chain reaction that blew up the Death Star? Okay, it’s an extreme (and fictitious) example. However it reminds us that we must be vigilant about protecting small parts of our IT infrastructure, including the cache.

  • data protection officer working at a desk

    How does a data controller differ from a data protection officer?


    GDPR has been on the horizon for some time now and most business owners are generally familiar with the overarching principles and terminology behind the regulations, which will be enforced on 25th May 2018. But there remains some confusion over the finer details, particularly regarding data controllers and data protection officers (DPOs) and their remits.

  • Video Conferencing Privacy

    How to keep video conferencing GDPR compliant


    The countdown to GDPR is on. The legislation marks a crackdown in terms of where data is stored in the cloud, with stricter fines for businesses in breach of those regulations.

  • GDPR Compliance

    Five ways technology accelerates GDPR compliance


    You may already be familiar with the GDPR. Indeed, you may be working right now on a compliance strategy to target the Regulation. Or maybe there’s still a lot of work to be done: research last year indicated that just 46 percent of organisations are highly confident that they’ll be ready by the implementation date and 88 percent report technological challenges.