Head of Data Privacy, Valuer.ai

Jose Belo (FIP, CIPP/E, CIPM) is currently Head of Data Privacy at Valuer.ai, an AI company from Copenhagen, Denmark.

Jose is also Member of the European Advisory Board of the IAPP and co-chair of the IAPP Copenhagen Chapter. Jose is also a former co-chair of the IAPP Lisboa (Portugal) and Luxembourg Chapter.

An LL.B in Law, Jose holds a Certificate in Law & Technology from the University of California (Berkeley), centred on US Intellectual Property and Privacy.

Jose authored academic articles on privacy and data protection at the University of Lisboa Cyber Magazine, the Journal of Data Protection and Privacy and Data Protection Leader magazine.

Additionally, Jose is a public speaker on the interconnection between technology (namely blockchain and AI), privacy and data protection, and the effects, intended or unintended, that the connection gives rise to.

PrivSec World Forum

jose belo

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PrivSec World Forum - Stockholm

Insider Threats: Just How Trustworthy Are Your Employees?

8 December 2022, 14:15 - 15:00 CEST


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