All FinCrime World Forum March 2021 articles

  • fcwf

    The transparency illusion- UK companies and the Beirut Explosion


    The explosion in Beirut was allegedly the largest non-nuclear explosion in history. But it has since emerged that the cause of the explosion was Ammonium Nitrate owned by a dormant UK company.

  • fcwf

    Case Study: The Role of Digital Behavior in Identifying Mule Accounts


    Money mules have become a modern day gold rush for cybercriminals.

  • fcwf

    The Cyber-Fincrime Nexus The Impact of COVID-19 and the Next Steps


    Even before 2020, law enforcement agencies had been warning of a growing nexus between cyber and financial crime, and an expanding role from international serious organised crime groups.

  • fcwf

    Transforming Compliance into Risk Management. A presentation by Michael Rasmussen


    Regulators consistently talk about the need for a ‘risk-based approach’ to financial crime, and many organisations have created ‘risk management’ functions to complement, and in some cases replace, legacy compliance functions. This shift is based on a recognition that it is not just what you do, it is how you do it that matters. Financial criminals are agile and reflexive, and those that seek to stop them need to be so in response.

  • fcwf

    The Fraud Pandemic Predicting the next wave. A presentation by Onfido.


    In the last twelve months, the world has faced two pandemics. In the wake of Covid-19 has come a significant increase in digital fraud. Although much of that fraud has continued via what we now see as ‘traditional’ routes - such as phone, text and email - it has spread into the wider digital spaces of the internet, encouraged by social restrictions that force so many of us to live our lives largely online. But, is this change here to stay? Or will the landscape return to normal as vaccines roll out worldwide.

  • fcwf

    KEYNOTE: Hacking the Criminals. A conversation with Chris Hadnagy.


    Evolving technology is often described as a key vulnerability in the fight against financial criminality, an argument made eloquently by the boom in cyber fraud during the pandemic. But the problem is not just technology - but the way we, as human beings, use it.

  • fcwf

    Spotlight: Modern Slavery. A Conversation with Andrew Wallis OBE, CEO of Unseen


    Many of us living in developed economies have liked to believe that slavery is a thing of the past. But we are coming to understand that it remains a very modern reality; one that blights the lives of 40 million men, women and children across the globe and creates criminal profits only rivalled by counterfeit goods and illegal narcotics. Shockingly, human misery is once again one of the biggest of global businesses.

  • fcwf

    Making Compliance Work (NorthRow session)


    The demands on compliance functions are increasing, but resources are limited. As the pace of business accelerates and both customer expectations and regulation are rising, the management of compliance and customer due diligence demands fresh thinking. Simply repeating how things have been carried out in the past will ultimately lead to failure.