All ESG World Forum articles
Now net-zero feels the heat as ignorance becomes the anti-ESG secret weapon
Net-Zero is coming under criticism from all quarters, as the anti-ESG brigade seizes on the fuel crisis to fire weapons made of ignorance.
ESG is under the inflation cosh but ESG may be the solution
Inflation and a possible recession are spectres that haunt ESG, yet ESG may have the answer.
AI and ESG go together like love and marriage
AI and ESG support each other, AI can support investors focusing on ESG, and AI can help companies apply their ESG strategy, but ESG principles also need to be embedded into AI.
Market failure, the J curve and why subsidiaries matter
The J curve and market failure illustrate an important point that came up at the recent ESG conference as part of DTE London.
Two reasons to get excited about net-zero, three to frustrate you
Two technological developments provide reasons to be excited by net-zero; three pieces of news show the challenge of fighting entrenched views.
ESG is like disruptive technology
ESG is like disruptive technology, and established market players never do like disruption.
Quantitative greening or QEsg
Forget about quantitative easing, is quantitative greening on the cards? The European Central Bank’s President Christine Lagarde seems to be up for the idea.
Supermarkets leading regulators in the race to nudge customers to responsibility
Supermarkets are adopting responsibility by nudging customers to eat healthier foods and are ahead of the regulators.
Bank of England warns of climate change risk
The recent climate change stress test applied to banks shows that climate change means higher risk for banks and insurance companies, suggests the Prudential Regulation Authority CEO
Adaption is better than mitigation says Stuart Kirk but HSBC is in a pickle now
HSBC’s head of responsible investing suggests we would be better off adapting to climate change rather than mitigating it, and now HSBC has an authenticity problem.
And so it begins: S&P ditches Tesla from ESG index, and it becomes polarising
Tesla has fallen out of the S&P 500 ESG index, and Elon Musk is spitting feathers. Some of Musk’s supporters are not too happy either — but there is a deeper issue.
Censorship, ESG and climate change denial
Censorship and ESG: is there a contradiction? Suppose you are a book publisher who proudly proclaims its ESG credentials. Should you publish climate change denialism books?
Apple loses staff over a return to work policy — why the S in ESG matters
Apple, the company that produces technology that makes it easier to work from home, is asking employees to return to the office; and staff are not happy.
ESG measures are fundamentally flawed says Tesla; we need more impact
Tesla’s latest Impact Report says that current ESG evaluation measures are fundamentally flawed, and ESG needs to evolve to measure real-world impact.
Is the worm turning? Filipino inquiry says big polluters liable for climate change
An inquiry by a Philippines Commission finds that 47 of the world’s largest polluters are morally and legally liable for climate change? Is this the kind of move the ESG fraternity has been warning about?
Cyber Attacks Threaten European Energy Sector
Cyber-attacks continue to be on the rise throughout the world in which many cybercriminals appear to instigate attacks for personal gain.
Net-zero is winning
Advances in renewables accelerated by the war in Ukraine mean that the shift to net-zero is winning. The ESG community needs to tell the world.
ESG and digital Transformation go together like a horse and carriage
Digital transformation helps ESG; digital transformation and ESG often work hand in hand; that is the gist of a report from BCG.
We all have mental health: and good ESG means good mental health
Mental health is what we all have; it affects decision making and productivity. Good mental health is good for the balance sheet, and it’s an important part of ESG.
Has the IPCC given the green light to ESG greenwashing?
The latest IPCC report emphasised the importance of carbon capture, but this may be an error; it is like the way people say they support ESG but are greenwashing.