All DSAR articles
The Privacy Foundation - Building Your Program with a Data Inventory
The foundation of any data privacy and protection program starts with the DATA! Organizations that start with data discovery develop the insights needed to manage data for security, privacy, and compliance purposes.
Privacy Management: The Data-Driven approach to managing risk and automating compliance
Data privacy regulations are becoming more stringent in terms of how data needs to be managed for compliance.
Employee DSARs: The Coming Deluge
Up until now, organizations have assumed that all data subject requests were the same.
Handling Tricky Employee Subject Access Requests
Being able to respond effectively to subject access requests (SARs) can be challenging, especially when they are complex requests from current or former employees.
California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA) Compliance Checklist
The CPRA launches January 1, 2023, giving businesses time to put together a plan for compliance.
Data Mapping: A step-by-step guide
Get your time back by enlisting a tool that does the heavy-lifting for data mapping, e-learning, activity planning and more. DPOrganizer is a full-suite privacy management solution that’s all about giving privacy professionals everything they need to be more effective in their everyday work.
GDPR Refresh: Simple Lessons for Handling Complex DSARs
Although Data Subject Access Requests (DSARs) existed before GDPR, the new EU regulation made major changes to their practical application. DSARs can be simple requests that can be dealt with efficiently; however, more complex requests can create great uncertainty.
What is the true cost of handling DSARs?
The Data Subject Access Request (DSAR) has become synonymous with protecting individuals’ data privacy rights from misuse by public administrators and private enterprise.