All Data Protection & Privacy articles – Page 10
Meet PICCASO Privacy Awards Winner, Rodica Cararus
The PICCASO Privacy Awards is delighted to name data protection paralegal, Rodica Cararus as the winner of the Rising Star Award 2022.
Jersey’s Information Commissioner criticises government department
In the British Isles, the Jersey Data Protection Authority (JDPA) has publicly criticised the way in which a Jersey government department handled an individual’s request for their personal data.
European data regulator forms ChatGPT task force
The European Data Protection Board (EDPB) has established a task force to develop a common policy on setting privacy rules for artificial intelligence (AI), with a focus on ChatGPT.
Meet PICCASO Privacy Awards Winner, Rosemary Jay
The PICCASO Privacy Awards is delighted to name specialist data protection lawyer, Rosemary Jay as the winner of the Privacy Award for Achievement 2022.
Meet PICCASO Privacy Awards Winner, Mike Fortune
The PICCASO Privacy Awards is delighted to name data protection leader, Mike Fortune as the winner of the Best Educator Award 2022.
Meet PICCASO Privacy Awards Winner, Lesley Holmes
The PICCASO Privacy Awards is delighted to name Data Protection Officer, Lesley Holmes as the winner of the Outstanding DPO Award 2022.
Data Protection: Your World is Changing
Webinar produced by GRC World Forums in association with Exterro
Meet PICCASO Privacy Awards Winner, Nader Henein
The PICCASO Privacy Awards is delighted to name Data Protection and Privacy leader, Nader Henein as the winner of the Privacy Writer/Author Award 2023.
Charting the UK Data Protection Profession: March 2023 Report
Data Protection World Forum and The DPO Centre are delighted to bring you the 11th Index survey report from the ground-breaking UK Data Protection Index.
Fault in ChatGPT prompts AI privacy concerns
OpenAI’s ChatGPT is once more at the forefront of the data protection conversation following a significant error that occurred on the platform, reports reveal.
Building the Foundations for Managing Privacy Risks at Square Enix
To meet new regulations, satisfy customers, and business demands, organisations need to improve their privacy program capabilities. This requires strong governance, process design, and technology to proactively identify and mitigate privacy risks when starting new business initiatives. The Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) is key to successful privacy programs and holistic data strategies. When done well, PIAs can manage business risk, build trust with users, and ensure compliance with privacy laws.
PICCASO Privacy Awards Europe are open for entries!
As technology continues to evolve, it has become increasingly important to recognise individuals and organisations that prioritise privacy and data protection. That’s why we are excited to announce that the PICCASO Privacy Awards Europe are officially open for entries!
PrivSec London launches this week
PrivSec London opens this week to bring industry professionals to forefront of the global conversation on all things Data Protection, Privacy and Security.
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion leaders recognised as the inaugural Diversity, Equity & Inclusion in Tech Awards shortlist is revealed
The Diversity, Equity & Inclusion in Tech Awards is delighted to reveal the inaugural cohort of shortlisted individuals, teams, initiatives, and businesses for the 2023 Awards, comprising over 90 finalists across 14 categories.
Four Unanswered Questions Since the Last Data Protection Day
Data Protection Day comes but once a year—but the fascinating world of privacy and data protection spurts out hard questions all year long. And since 26 January last year, there’s been no shortage of brain teasers for data protection fans to squabble over.
The IAB’s ‘Action Plan’ Has Been Approved — But Uncertainty Around Online Ads Continues
Last week, the Belgian Data Protection Authority (DPA) approved the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) Europe’s “action plan” for bringing the Transparency and Consent Framework (TCF) into compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
This EU Court Case Could Expand the GDPR’s ‘Automated Decision-Making’ Rules
Next Thursday, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) will hear an important case about “automated decision-making” under the GDPR.
Charting the UK Data Protection Profession: December 2022 Report
Data Protection World Forum and The DPO Centre are delighted to bring you the tenth Index survey report from the ground-breaking UK Data Protection Index.
5 New US State Privacy Laws Take Effect in 2023: Are You Covered?
Privacy professionals that work for companies operating in the US should have a busy year. Throughout 2023, the following US state privacy laws take effect…
Putting Data Privacy at the Core of Customer Connections
It’s the beginning of 2023, and the privacy ecosystem and digital world are changing rapidly and are merging closer together. The combination of customer demands, privacy laws and technology changes are challenging teams to rethink leading-edge strategies.