All Business articles – Page 12
Women in Privacy
Data protection and privacy is one of the rare industries where women are not an obvious minority when it comes to representation at management or C-suite level. In this series of webinars, we will be talking to women at all levels of privacy; from those just starting out, through the up and coming, and to those who have reached the top of their game.
How Organisations Can Break Down Silos for Better Working on Compliance
Meeting new compliance standards means complex joint work between an organisation’s different internal departments and practitioners. Whilst collaboration between lawyers, developers, HR and marketing professionals (among others) creates many benefits, the challenges of bringing together a group of experts with very different perspectives are many.
The 3 Biggest Mistakes Companies are Making with CCPA
With the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) officially launching January 1, 2020, many organizations are still playing catch- up in determining exactly how they’ll comply with major provisions before full enforcement begins July 1, 2020.
Data Privacy in the Public Cloud
In a way, the challenges related to data privacy in the public cloud is like an exponential of an exponential.
Critical Requirements for Benchmarking Your Business & Supply Chain
COVID-19 has re-defined “normal” for businesses. Considering such a rapidly-changing environment, daily government guidelines, and the new work-from-home adjustments we’re all facing, it’s critical to ensure your organization’s focus on examining Business Continuity, Disaster Recovery and Resiliency Plans.
US Data Privacy: Perspectives Across Industries
With the ever-evolving US privacy landscape, from state laws such as the New York Privacy Act, Washington privacy act and CCPA; businesses across all industries need to adapt their privacy programs.
How to collect, store & deploy personal data through web trackers
The ePrivacy Regulation is not yet in place, but cookies and other tracking mechanisms have been under close scrutiny from DPAs.
Enterprise Data Storage: Best Practice and Management
Join us for this panel discussion as our subject matter experts explore Enterprise Data Storage: Best Practice and Management.
What is the true cost of handling DSARs?
The Data Subject Access Request (DSAR) has become synonymous with protecting individuals’ data privacy rights from misuse by public administrators and private enterprise.
Remote Working: The Information Governance Challenge of the Decade
Whilst having to adapt to a new normal, people around the world are experiencing firsthand the difficulties of working and even schooling from home. Not only are we trying to balance work and life over the long haul, but we are also frantically juggling work and life in real-time.
Data Protection, Coronavirus Concerns and Guidance for the Healthcare Sector
Video: Data Protection and Coronavirus Concerns and Guidance for the Healthcare Sector
Privacy Leadership Demands More Than Minimum Compliance
Join WireWheel CEO and privacy expert Justin Antonipillai and Partner of Privacy Culture, Steve Wright. Together they will outline the changing privacy landscape and share advice on how to evolve your privacy program beyond a “minimum viable” solution.
Johnny Ryan: The Data Protection Crisis of Online Advertising
Johnny Ryan discusses at Last Thursday in Privacy the data protection crisis in online advertising.