All Anti-financial crime articles
Connecting the dots: How OSINT can improve outcomes in financial crime investigations
Recent events have brought Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) more sharply into public consciousness. The increased availability of satellite imagery, social media, shipping data and a wide range of other sources has shaped our understanding of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
Building an Accurate Risk Profile as part of a Future Proofing Strategy To Protect your Organisation from Fraud and Loss
Having a reputation for integrity is crucial to safeguarding market confidence and public trust. Unfortunately, fraud and misconduct can seriously undermine such efforts, exposing an organisation to legal, regulatory, or reputational damage.
The Future of Anti-Financial Crime? Enhancing Effectiveness with the Investigator-Centric Approach
In this webinar we will discuss how FIs can apply innovative approaches developed for national security and law enforcement agencies to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of their anti-financial crime controls.
The Network-Centric Approach to Identifying Risk
Recent events such as the Pandora Papers have highlighted the importance of being able to identify increasingly complex criminal networks. Blackdot will explore what a network-centric approach means, where it can be useful, and how it looks in action.